New carGuroo release

New carGuroo release

The latest release of carGuroo heralds a significant advancement in LPR technology, now flawlessly integrated with Milestone XProtect. This integration elevates urban traffic projects with unparalleled efficiency and precision. carGuroo simplifies the process of capturing and recognizing vehicle data at high speeds of up to 250 km/h across multiple lanes, while also maintaining the flexibility to operate across various servers for smooth performance.

carGuroo distinguishes itself by its deep integration into Milestone events, which facilitates instantaneous event logging and retrieval. Moreover, carGuroo’s new barrier control feature for whitelisted cars, significantly enhances security and efficiency in urban environments.

Key Highlights:

  • ‍Achieve 95%+ Accuracy
  • Capture Speeds up to 250 km/h across 4 Lanes
  • Support for 16 Channels per i9 Server with only 16 GB RAM at 25 fps (FullHD)
  • Seemless operation on Single or Multiple Servers

Experience the future of LPR technology with carGuroo! Order your carGuroo Demo today.

The importance of LPR:

License Plate Recognition (LPR) technology, compatible with any IP camera, is a pivotal element in contemporary, urban traffic management systems. It enables efficient vehicle identification and data collection, bolstering security and optimizing traffic flow within urban environments.


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