CAMMRA Case Study

Unique intelligent transportation system for the Dublin Port

To prevent HGV congestion in Dublin City, Dublin PortTunnel approaches to the port, Customs ClearanceAreas have been constructed outside the City whereHGVs can be processed before entering the port area.
How to ensure that HGVs actually visit the CustomsClearance Areas?
This difficult problem was solved by Carra ITS, ourpartner in Ireland. FF Group on-camera applicationCAMMRA has become part of the unique intelligenttransportation system for the Dublin Port area.
Key customer:

The Challenge

BREXIT: The departure of the UK from the EUhas necessitated additional Customs checks andinevitable delays for hauliers passing throughIrish ports.

Customer Demands

HGVs entering the Customs Clearance areas are:
  • Whitelisted for entry to the Port
  • Automatically issued a paper ticket
HGVs approaching the Port are checked against the Whitelist
  • Vehicles not on Whitelist to activatea “Stop” audio/visual alert on the roadside.
  • An update is sent to networkedSmartTablets showing the vehicle to stop.
  • Officers stop the vehicle and determine whether access to the Port is permitted.
Online reporting on all key performance indicators.

Solution Architecture

CAMMRA Application at each site recognizesvehicle license plates and its type, date, timeand the registration country onboard the AxisQ1700LE Camera.
Carra’s ComsHub (ITS integration outstation) installed at each site implementing the distributed system:

    Solution Architecture

    Each smart Axis camera with CAMMRA capturesthe vehicle license plates and type (Truck) at each of the Customs Clearance Areas and Port.
    Traffic data is sent via UTMC protocol to a local, peer-to-peer connected, ComsHub outstation for vehicle verification and inclusion on the daily whitelist. Trucks arriving at the Customs Clearance Areas trigger the system to print a unique ticket, featuring the truck’s VRN, and transmits the updated whitelist to the Port entry point.
    Recognized data from CAMMRA at the Port entry point is sent via the UTMC protocol to its local ComsHub, which controls all truck-flow at that site. If the truck VRN is not matched on the daily whitelist, the officers see & hear an audio / visual alert & get a signal on their iPads / smartphones to speak to the driver approaching the Port.

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