CAMMRA AI Case Study

Loud Vehicle Detection for Traffic Noise Reduction, Newport, Rhode Island (USA)

Newport, a popular vacation destination, has partnered with Sorama to tackle growing noise pollution. By integrating AI technology and products from Axis Communications, Sorama, and FF Group, the city aims to reduce traffic noise and enhance road safety. FF Group’s CAMMRA AI software and DataFactory platform help generate accurate vehicle data in real-time, day or night, to support noise reduction efforts.
Key customer:

The Challenge

How can we address the challenge of traffic noise?

What actions can local municipalities take to effectively monitor noise pollution and improve road safety?

The Solution

Newport, hosting 4 million annual visitors, faces trafficnoise due to congestion. To address this, the cityimplemented an AI-based noise camera solution withthe Axis Radar-Video Fusion Camera, powered byCAMMRA AI, Sorama Acoustic Monitors, and theDataFactory platform. This system helps adjust noiseordinances and improve traffic safety as part ofNewport's smart city initiative.

    Solution Architecture

    1. Axis Radar Video Fusion Camera

    Monitors vehicle speeds up to 125 mph, integrates with CAMMRA AI for license plate recognition and speed tracking.

    2. CAMMRA AI Application

    Recognize vehicle details (make, model, plate) and merge data with speed from the Axis Radar.

    3. Sorama L642 Acoustic Monitors

    Capture sound levels with 64 microphones and integrate with Axis cameras for detailed vehicle data.
    Offers integrations with Axis camera, Axis Camera Station and FF DataFactory.

    4. DataFactory platform

    Collects data on all vehicles, including soundlevel, license plate, make, model, color, speed, vehicle type, GPS coordinates, and time, for analysis to help city officials identify emerging patterns.
    Aggregates real-time data for enforcement, identifying vehicles that exceed sound limits.

    5. Axis Camera Station

    Connected to the City Monitoring Center, providing ready-to-use data from DataFactory for efficient monitoring and response.
    Offers a single platform to access all data from loud vehicle events, including bookmarked entries for further analysis.
    The partnership between the City of Newport, Sorama, Axis Communications, and FF Groupis tackling traffic noise pollution and enhancing urban safety through AI-powered technologies.

    By integrating tools like the Axis Radar-VideoFusion Camera, CAMMRA AI, and Sorama's acoustic monitoring systems, Newport is proactively managing noise in real-time.
    This solution improves quality of life, supports smart city goals, and enables better traffic management and noise regulation enforcement.

    With real-time data on vehicle speed, license plates, and sound levels, Newport can quickly address violations and detect emerging issues, creating a safer and more sustainable urban environment.

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